Why now is the time to carry out important migrations to the cloud!

Have you used the extra time you’ve had at your disposal, during lockdown, to make repairs and improvements to your home – why not do it for your company too?

I appreciate the thought of changing service or provider can seem like a step too far at the best of times, but particularly at the moment, it is in fact the ideal time to do it – reduced headcount equals an easier migration.

It shows your teams that you are progressive and ready for getting back to business; adoption rates are improved as team members get new, modern, fast, systems to work with making them more efficient and productive – both at home or if you are back in the office.

It also shows your existing clients (and potential new clients) that you are very much open for business now and (in the event that the unthinkable happens) if we are locked down again.

With many companies taking advantage of government backed CBILs and Bounce Back Loans, perhaps use some of that funding to improve your infrastructure and enhance the internal/external impression of your business.

This shows your team that you mean business and that you’re ready for when the economy bounces back. Check out our list of benefits below. 👇

#workingfromhome #cloudmigration #cloud #cloudstrategy #cloudsecurity